
Kuno Huisman


Kuno Huisman is Head of Strategic Capacity Preparation Decision Quality and Strategic Programs. Next to that he is part-time full professor of decision making under uncertainty at Tilburg University where he teaches courses on professional skills and investment under uncertainty. Kuno believes that decision quality can assist individuals and institutions to make better decisions that will lead more often to desired outcomes. Kuno has worked as a quantitative consultant at CQM for 10 years before joining the Decision Support team of ASML for 8 years. Next he worked for 3 years as head of Finance for the TWINSCAN Factory, one of the integration factories of ASML and 1 year as head of Strategy Coordination at ASML. Kuno earned the Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate from the Stanford Center for Professional Development. Kuno has a Ph.D. and master degree in Operations Research from Tilburg University.